Anti-Fraud Policy

1. Introduction: Trustmetrics Ltd, trading as Rekruuto, upholds the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in all business operations. This Anti-Fraud Policy is designed to prevent, detect, and address fraudulent activities and promote a culture of honesty and accountability. This policy is applicable to all employees, including our virtual assistants (VAs), and other stakeholders within the company.

​​2. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Outline measures to prevent and detect fraud within the company.
  • Assign responsibilities for combating fraud.
  • Protect the assets, interests, and reputation of Rekruuto and its clients.

3. Scope: This policy addresses any irregularities or suspected irregularities involving employees, clients, suppliers, vendors, and any other parties engaged in business relationships with Rekruuto.

4. Policy Statement: Rekruuto strictly prohibits any fraudulent or corrupt activities, including misrepresentation of facts, embezzlement, forgery, or misuse of company assets. All employees, including virtual assistants, are expected to conduct themselves with the utmost honesty and integrity and to report any suspected fraud immediately.

5. Fraud Prevention: To minimize fraud, Rekruuto will:

  • Conduct background checks on all VAs to ensure they align with our ethical standards.
  • Implement strong procedural and financial controls to protect against fraud.
  • Provide continuous training to all VAs on anti-fraud measures, ethical conduct, and compliance with legal standards.

6. Detection: Effective control systems are maintained and regularly reviewed to aid in the detection of fraud. Managers and supervisors are equipped to recognize signs of fraudulent activity and are expected to act immediately upon suspicion.

7. Investigation: Should fraud be reported or suspected, Rekruuto commits to a swift and thorough investigation. Legal counsel and external law enforcement will be involved as necessary.

8. Disciplinary Action: VAs found to have participated in fraudulent acts will face disciplinary action, including potential termination and legal prosecution, dependent on the severity of the misconduct.

9. Limitation of Liability: Rekruuto employs VAs and oversees their placement with clients. However, Rekruuto does not accept liability for any losses resulting from fraudulent activities committed by VAs. Clients are encouraged to implement robust internal controls and monitoring systems to complement the supervision provided by Rekruuto, ensuring a comprehensive fraud prevention strategy within their own operations.

10. Reporting: All VAs are required to report suspicions of fraud or corruption to the designated company officer without delay. These reports will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and urgency.

Conclusion: Trustmetrics Ltd. remains committed to legal and ethical business practices. We expect every employee to adhere to the principles set out in this policy to uphold the company’s integrity and reputation.