The Ultimate Guide to Hiring and Managing a Virtual Marketing Assistant

22 May 2024 by
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring and Managing a Virtual Marketing Assistant
Mamta Chaturvedi

You’re here because you’ve mastered the core of digital marketing and now stand ready to delegate, to transition from the doer to the thinker. In this ever-shifting landscape, staying on top of the latest digital waves while keeping your strategic vision in focus can feel like juggling fire. That’s precisely where a Virtual Marketing Assistant (VMA) steps in – not just as a doer, but as your tactical executor, turning your strategies into action.

This guide is tailored for those who've navigated the digital marketing waters and are now steering towards broader horizons, where strategic thinking takes precedence over day-to-day implementation. Whether you're a seasoned marketer keeping an eye on evolving trends or a strategic leader looking to refocus on big-picture objectives, a VMA is your key to balancing both worlds. They are the ones who 'do', translating your thought leadership into tangible, impactful results.

We’ll explore how to align with a VMA who complements your deep understanding of digital marketing with their execution skills, ensuring that your strategies don’t just stay relevant but lead the pack. It’s about empowering you to think, plan, and envision, while your VMA handles the execution, keeping your marketing engine running at full throttle.

Prepare to embark on a journey where your strategic insights and a VMA’s execution prowess merge, setting a new benchmark in digital marketing excellence. Let’s begin this transition from thinker to visionary, with a VMA turning your concepts into reality.

Read the full comprehensive guide or go to the section that makes the most sense:

Understanding the Role of a Virtual Marketing Assistant

The Virtual Marketing Assistant (VMA) role defies the one-size-fits-all label. It's a position tailored to your business's marketing needs, blending specialized skills with broad-based digital marketing knowledge.

Custom-Fit for Your Needs: A VMA isn't just a versatile marketer; they're your marketing chameleon, adapting their skills to match your priorities. They might be an SEO wizard, a PPC expert, a content marketing maestro, or an email marketing guru. Beyond their main area of expertise, VMAs are equipped to handle a range of marketing tasks, offering a holistic approach to your digital strategy.

Expertise Meets Versatility: The true value of a VMA lies in their combination of deep knowledge in specific areas and the capability to manage other marketing facets effectively. A VMA skilled in SEO, for example, can spearhead your search engine efforts while simultaneously keeping a hand on the pulse of your social media or email campaigns. This mix of specialization and versatility is what makes a VMA a unique asset.

Efficiency Through AI and ChatGPT: VMAs using AI tools, like ChatGPT, can enhance their productivity significantly. They can quickly generate content ideas, draft copies, or glean analytics insights, accelerating task completion. This effective use of AI technology not only speeds up processes but also ensures that strategies are flexible and up-to-date with current trends.

In essence, a Virtual Marketing Assistant is designed to align closely with your marketing needs. The role is a blend of focused expertise in particular areas and a general capability across the marketing spectrum, bolstered by the efficient use of AI tools like ChatGPT for swift and effective task execution.

The Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Marketing Assistant

When considering bringing a Virtual Marketing Assistant (VMA) into your team, it's important to understand the distinct advantages they offer. A VMA isn't just a cost-effective solution; they bring a wealth of benefits that can transform your marketing efforts.

Cost-Effectiveness: Hiring a VMA means you get specialized marketing skills without the overhead costs associated with a full-time employee. You save on expenses like office space, equipment, and benefits, making it a financially savvy choice, especially for small to medium-sized businesses or those looking to optimize their budget.

Flexibility and Scalability: VMAs offer unparalleled flexibility. They can work around your schedule, manage tasks during peak periods, and scale back during slower times. This adaptability makes them ideal for businesses that experience seasonal fluctuations or those on a growth trajectory needing scalable marketing support.

Access to Specialized Skills: With a VMA, you gain access to specific skills and expertise that might be missing in your current team. Whether it's advanced SEO knowledge, social media savviness, or content marketing expertise, a VMA brings these specialized skills to the table, enhancing the quality and effectiveness of your marketing initiatives.

Enhanced Productivity: Delegating tasks to a VMA allows you and your team to focus on core business activities and strategic planning. This division of labor leads to increased productivity, as each team member can focus on what they do best, knowing that the marketing tasks are in capable hands.

Fresh Perspectives: A VMA can provide fresh insights and perspectives, offering new ideas and approaches to your marketing strategies. Their external viewpoint can be invaluable in identifying opportunities and areas for improvement that you might not have noticed.

Quick Adaptation to New Trends: VMAs, particularly those skilled in utilizing AI and tools like ChatGPT, are often quick to adapt to new marketing trends and technologies. Their proactive approach ensures that your marketing strategies remain current and competitive.

In summary, a Virtual Marketing Assistant offers a unique blend of cost-efficiency, flexibility, and specialized expertise. Their role in enhancing productivity, providing fresh insights, and keeping your marketing strategies up-to-date makes them an invaluable addition to any team looking to strengthen their digital marketing presence.

Identifying Your Marketing Needs

Before you start the search for a Virtual Marketing Assistant (VMA), it's essential to pinpoint your marketing needs. This is more than a task list; it's about aligning a VMA's skills with your strategic vision for digital marketing.

Assess Your Current Marketing Strategy

  • Evaluate your existing marketing strategy. What are its strengths and weaknesses? Where could a VMA contribute most effectively?
  • It's important to have a clear strategy in place. A VMA is there to execute this strategy, not to create it from scratch.

Define Your Marketing Objectives

  • Clarify your marketing goals, both short-term and long-term. Are you aiming to increase engagement, boost sales, or expand your digital footprint?
  • Understanding these goals will help you identify the skills and expertise your VMA needs to bring to the table.

Identify Tasks for Delegation

  • Look at your daily marketing activities. Which tasks require your personal attention, and which can be delegated?
  • Delegating effectively will allow you to focus on strategic planning and high-level decision-making.

Determine the Level of Expertise Required

  • Decide if you need a VMA with a broad skill set in digital marketing or someone with specialized knowledge in areas like SEO, PPC, or social media management.
  • A VMA’s role should be customized to your unique needs, whether it's a generalist approach or a more focused skill set.

Plan for the Future

  • Consider the direction in which your marketing strategy is heading. Are there new initiatives or channels you plan to explore?
  • Choose a VMA who can not only meet your current needs but also adapt and grow as your marketing evolves.

Understanding your marketing needs is crucial in finding a VMA who can seamlessly integrate into your team and effectively execute your marketing strategy. This careful consideration ensures your VMA becomes a driving force in achieving your marketing objectives.

The Hiring Process

Option 1: DIY - Steps to Hire a Virtual Marketing Assistant

Define the Role and Requirements

  • Start by outlining the responsibilities and skills required for the Virtual Marketing Assistant position. Be as detailed as possible.
  • Create a detailed job description that reflects your marketing needs.
  • Define the timings, hours to be available online, time zone
  • Have clear expectations regarding deliverables
  • Highlight what industry experience is suitable for your role
  • Highlight what software experience would help you get the work done faster
  • Ask for case studies, past work experience evidence, and examples of work done or an actively maintained portfolio from the candidates to help you evaluate their work.

Post the Job and Source Candidates

  • Post the job on relevant platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Fiverr, Upwork, and other freelance job boards.
  • Utilize your professional network for recommendations. If you are part of YPO, EO, BNI, or other networking communities, ask in your Slack/WhatsApp/Messaging group for recommendations. Be prepared to share the job spec with any referral.

Review Applications and Resumes

  • Evaluate applications based on the criteria set in your job description.
  • Look at the case studies, portfolios of candidates to shortlist and filter candidates.
  • Look for candidates with a proven track record and relevant experience.

Conduct Interviews

  • Shortlist candidates for interviews.
  • Prepare interview questions that assess both technical skills and cultural fit.

Assign a Test Project

  • Consider giving a small project or task to assess the candidate's skills in a practical setting.
  • Evaluate their work quality, adherence to deadlines, and communication skills.

Finalize and Onboard

  • Once you’ve identified the right candidate, discuss and agree on terms such as payment, working hours, and communication protocols.
  • Provide them with the necessary tools and information to integrate them into your team effectively.

Option 2: DFY – Rekruuto’s Process

Comprehensive Screening by Rekruuto

  • Rekruuto conducts a thorough process, starting from sourcing thousands of applicants.
  • They implement strict filtering, tests, and competency assessments to ensure only the most qualified candidates are considered.

In-depth Background and Reference Checks

  • Rekruuto performs extensive background and reference checks to verify the candidates' credentials and past work experience.

Presentation of Top Candidates

  • The most suitable candidates, after rigorous vetting, are presented to you.
  • This saves you time and effort in the initial screening process.

Final Interview by the Client

  • You conduct the final interview to assess if the candidate aligns with your specific needs and company culture.
  • This step ensures that the VMA you choose is the perfect fit for your team.

Seamless Onboarding

  • Once a candidate is selected, Rekruuto assists in the onboarding process to ensure a smooth transition and integration into your team.

Whether you choose the DIY route or opt for the DFY approach through Rekruuto, understanding these steps will help you navigate the hiring process more effectively. Each option has its benefits, and the right choice depends on your specific needs and resources available.

Crafting the Job Specification for a VMA

Whether you're embarking on a DIY hiring journey or opting for the DFY route through a service like Rekruuto, crafting a clear and detailed job specification for your Virtual Marketing Assistant (VMA) is a critical step. This document serves as the foundation for attracting the right talent and ensures that the candidates you consider are aligned with your specific needs.

Defining the Role Clearly

  • Start by outlining the primary responsibilities of the VMA. Be specific about the tasks they will be managing, such as social media content creation, email marketing campaigns, SEO optimization, or data analysis.
  • Clarify the scope of the role – is it more generalist, covering a broad range of marketing tasks, or specialized in areas like PPC or content marketing?

Listing Required Skills and Qualifications

  • Detail the skills and qualifications necessary for the role. This may include specific marketing skills, proficiency in certain tools or platforms, and understanding of marketing principles and strategies.
  • Consider including desired soft skills, such as communication, organization, and adaptability, which are crucial for remote work.

Setting Expectations for Experience Level

  • Specify the level of experience you are seeking. Are you looking for someone with a few years of experience in digital marketing, or a seasoned professional with a proven track record?
  • Experience requirements should match the complexity and level of responsibility of the role.

Detailing Working Arrangements

  • Include details about the working arrangement, such as expected working hours, time zone considerations, and communication preferences.
  • If there are specific requirements, like availability for regular team meetings or reporting structures, mention them here.

Describing Company Culture and Values

  • Give a brief overview of your company’s culture and values. This helps candidates assess if they will fit well within your team and organization.
  • Cultural fit is often as important as skills and experience in ensuring a successful long-term working relationship.

Outlining the Application Process

  • Explain the steps involved in the application process. This could include submitting a resume and cover letter, completing a test task, and details of the interview process.
  • Transparency in the application process sets clear expectations and contributes to a positive candidate experience.

A well-crafted job specification not only helps you attract candidates who are a good fit for the role but also streamlines the hiring process. It serves as a key reference point throughout the selection process, ensuring that you stay focused on finding a VMA who meets your specific marketing needs and can contribute effectively to your team.

💡 Get Your Customizable Virtual Marketing Assistant Job Description Template

Ready to take the next step in finding your ideal Virtual Marketing Assistant? We’ve got just the download to help you get started and eliminate that procastination. Download our customizable VMA job specification template, designed to guide you in outlining the specific skills, experiences, and qualities you’re looking for in a VMA (50+ editable tasks to make it your own). This template will not only streamline your hiring process but also ensure that you attract the right candidates who align with your unique marketing needs.

       Tailor it to fit the unique contours of your business and set the foundation for a  successful partnership with your future Virtual Marketing Assistant. Your journey towards enhanced digital marketing starts here!

Onboarding Your Virtual Marketing Assistant

Once you've successfully hired a Virtual Marketing Assistant (VMA), the next crucial phase is onboarding. A well-structured onboarding process is vital to integrate your new VMA into your team effectively and set them up for success.

Initial Introduction and Expectation Setting

  • Start by introducing your VMA to your company, its culture, values, and your team. Even in a virtual environment, a warm welcome can make a significant difference.
  • Clearly outline your expectations, goals for the role, and how their work will contribute to the broader objectives of your marketing strategy.

Providing Necessary Tools and Resources

  • Ensure your VMA has access to all the necessary tools and platforms they will be using. This might include CRM software, social media accounts, content management systems, and any internal communication tools.
  • Provide any necessary training or resources to help them get up to speed with these tools.

Setting Up Communication Protocols

  • Establish communication protocols, including preferred methods of communication (e.g., email, messaging apps, video calls) and regular check-in schedules.
  • Discuss how you prefer to receive updates, reports, or feedback, and set regular meeting times for discussions and strategy alignment.

Defining Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

  • Work with your VMA to set clear, achievable short-term goals for the initial weeks and long-term goals for their role.
  • These goals should be aligned with your overall marketing objectives and provide a clear direction for your VMA.

Encouraging Open Communication and Feedback

  • Foster an environment of open communication. Encourage your VMA to ask questions, provide input, and share any challenges they encounter.
  • Regular feedback, especially in the early stages, helps address any issues quickly and ensures continuous improvement.

Monitoring Progress and Adjusting as Needed

  • Keep an eye on your VMA’s progress and the quality of their work. Offer guidance and support as they acclimate to their role.
  • Be prepared to adjust strategies, goals, or communication styles as you both settle into a working rhythm.

A thoughtful onboarding process sets the tone for a productive and positive working relationship with your Virtual Marketing Assistant. It's an investment in their success and, by extension, the success of your digital marketing efforts.

Effective Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration are key to maximizing the productivity and integration of your Virtual Marketing Assistant (VMA). Establishing best practices, including the right connected circles and meeting rhythms, is essential in building a strong working relationship and ensuring alignment with your marketing goals.

Choosing the Right Communication Tools

  • Select tools that facilitate efficient and clear communication, such as messaging apps, video conferencing, and project management software.
  • Ensure your VMA is comfortable and proficient with these tools.

Establishing Connected Circles

  • Create a structure where your VMA is connected with the right team members and departments. This helps in fostering collaboration and ensuring everyone is aligned.
  • Connected circles aid in smooth information flow and collaborative problem-solving.

Setting Up Effective Meeting Rhythms

  • Initially, consider daily huddles with your VMA. These short, focused meetings are great for aligning on daily tasks, addressing immediate concerns, and maintaining a constant connection.
  • As your VMA settles into their role, transition to a weekly Level 10 (L10) meeting, as recommended in EOS. L10 meetings are structured to review priorities, address issues, and plan for the upcoming week, ensuring continued alignment and focus.

Encouraging Proactive Communication

  • Encourage your VMA to be proactive in communication, sharing updates, insights, and any challenges they face.
  • A proactive approach ensures that issues are addressed promptly and that there’s continuous alignment between your VMA’s activities and your marketing objectives.

Regular Feedback and Adaptation

  • Provide regular feedback to your VMA and be open to receiving their input. This two-way communication is crucial for continuous improvement and adaptation.
  • Be prepared to adjust communication practices and meeting rhythms as needed to find the most effective approach for your team.

Using Project Management Platforms

  • Utilize project management platforms to keep track of tasks, deadlines, and progress. Tools like Trello, Asana, or can help organize work and provide visibility for both you and your VMA.
  • Ensure your VMA is familiar with the platform and understands how to use it for task management and reporting.

By establishing clear communication practices, connected circles, and effective meeting rhythms, you can ensure that your Virtual Marketing Assistant is well-integrated into your team and effectively contributes to your marketing efforts.

Setting Goals and Measuring Performance

To maximize the impact of your Virtual Marketing Assistant (VMA), it's crucial to set clear goals and have measurable criteria for assessing their performance. This approach not only provides direction and purpose but also helps in evaluating the effectiveness of your VMA's contributions to your marketing objectives.

Developing SMART Goals

  • Work with your VMA to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals. These goals should align with your broader marketing strategy and business objectives.
  • Examples include increasing website traffic by a certain percentage, growing social media engagement, or generating a set number of leads within a specific timeframe.

Tracking Scorecard Measurables or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Identify key measurables or key performance indicators that will help you measure the success of your VMA’s efforts. These could vary based on the tasks assigned, such as click-through rates for email campaigns, engagement rates for social media posts, or rankings for SEO efforts.
  • Review these metrics weekly with your VMA to gauge progress and make necessary adjustments.

Providing Tools for Effective Monitoring

  • Ensure your VMA has access to necessary analytics and monitoring tools. This could include Google Analytics, social media analytics tools, SEO tracking software, or CRM systems.
  • Familiarize them with your reporting formats and expectations for how data should be presented and analyzed.

Encouraging Initiative and Innovation

  • While it’s important to have structured goals, also encourage your VMA to be innovative and take the initiative. They might identify new opportunities or strategies that could benefit your marketing efforts.
  • Be open to their ideas and suggestions, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and creativity.

Regular Reviews and Feedback

  • Schedule regular review meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and insights. These reviews provide an opportunity for feedback, recognition of achievements, and discussion of any adjustments needed in goals or strategies.
  • Constructive feedback is essential for growth and development, and it helps maintain a positive and productive working relationship.

By setting clear goals and regularly measuring performance, you can ensure that your VMA’s efforts are focused and aligned with your marketing priorities. This structured approach to goal setting and performance measurement is key to realizing the full potential of your Virtual Marketing Assistant.

Managing and Nurturing the Relationship

Building and maintaining a strong, productive relationship with your Virtual Marketing Assistant (VMA) is crucial for long-term success. This involves not only effective management but also nurturing a positive working relationship that encourages growth, loyalty, and high performance.

Setting Clear Expectations and Boundaries

  • Begin by establishing clear expectations regarding work hours, communication, deliverables, and deadlines. This clarity helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures smooth collaboration.
  • Define boundaries and respect your VMA’s time, just as you would with an in-house employee. This includes respecting their off-hours and avoiding unreasonable last-minute demands.

Using EOS Rocks for Focused Goals

  • Incorporate the concept of ‘Rocks’ from the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) as a method for setting focused goals. Rocks are major priorities or objectives to be achieved within a specific timeframe, usually a quarter.
  • Work with your VMA to identify and set Rocks that are crucial for your marketing strategy. This approach ensures that both of you are focused on key objectives that drive tangible results.

Providing Regular Feedback and Recognition

  • Regular feedback is vital for your VMA’s professional development and motivation. Offer constructive criticism and acknowledge their achievements and contributions.
  • Celebrate successes and milestones, no matter how small, to boost morale and reinforce positive performance.

Encouraging Professional Development

  • Support your VMA’s desire to learn and grow professionally. This could include providing access to training resources, webinars, or workshops relevant to their role.
  • Encouraging continuous learning not only benefits their skill development but also enhances the value they bring to your business.

Fostering Open Communication

  • Create an environment where open, honest communication is encouraged. Your VMA should feel comfortable sharing ideas, concerns, and feedback.
  • Regular check-ins and open dialogue help in building trust and understanding each other’s working styles.

Adapting to Changes and Growth

  • Be prepared to adapt the working relationship as your business and marketing needs evolve. This might include revisiting goals, adjusting responsibilities, or changing communication methods.
  • A flexible approach helps sustain a productive relationship, especially in a dynamic marketing environment.

By effectively managing and nurturing your relationship with a Virtual Marketing Assistant, you create a foundation for sustained collaboration and success. This approach not only enhances their performance but also contributes to a rewarding and mutually beneficial working partnership.

Legal and Contractual Considerations

Navigating the legal and contractual aspects is a critical component of hiring a Virtual Marketing Assistant (VMA). Ensuring that both parties are protected and clear on expectations not only provides peace of mind but also lays the groundwork for a successful working relationship.

Drafting a Comprehensive Contract

  • Prepare a detailed contract that outlines the terms of your working relationship. This should include the scope of work, duration of the contract, payment terms, confidentiality clauses, and any other relevant details.
  • Clearly define the VMA’s role and responsibilities to avoid any confusion or misinterpretation.

Understanding Employment Status

  • It’s important to correctly classify your VMA as an independent contractor or employee based on your local laws and regulations. This classification impacts tax implications and legal obligations.
  • Most VMAs are classified as independent contractors, but it’s crucial to understand the legal criteria that determine this status.

Ensuring Confidentiality and Data Protection

  • Include a confidentiality clause in your contract to protect any sensitive business information that your VMA may have access to.
  • If your VMA will be handling personal data, especially if operating across borders, ensure compliance with data protection laws like GDPR or CCPA.

Addressing Intellectual Property Rights

  • The contract should clearly state that any work created by the VMA for your business is owned by your business. This is particularly important for creative content, marketing strategies, and any other intellectual property generated.

Setting Expectations for Communication and Availability

  • While flexibility is a key benefit of hiring a VMA, it’s important to establish expectations around availability and response times.
  • Include these details in your contract to ensure both parties are aligned on communication protocols.

Review and Update Contracts Regularly

  • Periodically review and update the contract to reflect any changes in the working relationship, scope of work, or legal requirements.
  • Regular updates ensure that the contract remains relevant and effective in protecting both parties.

Legal and contractual considerations are not just formalities; they are essential components of a professional and secure working arrangement. By addressing these considerations thoughtfully and thoroughly, you lay a strong foundation for a productive and mutually beneficial relationship with your Virtual Marketing Assistant.

Start Your 1-Week Free Trial

Rekruuto offers a 1-week trial for you to assess and determine if your VA is the right personal virtual secretary for your needs.

Interested in starting a 1-week trial?


Embarking on the journey to hire and manage a Virtual Marketing Assistant (VMA) is a strategic move that can significantly enhance your business’s digital marketing efforts. Throughout this guide, we’ve navigated the key aspects of this process – from identifying your marketing needs and understanding the versatile role of a VMA, to the nuances of the hiring process, effective onboarding, and the importance of clear communication and goal setting.

Whether you’ve chosen the DIY route or opted for a streamlined DFY approach through services like Rekruuto, the crux of success lies in finding a VMA whose skills align with your specific needs and who can seamlessly integrate into your team. By setting clear expectations, leveraging tools like EOS Rocks and Scorecards for goal setting and performance measurement, and ensuring all legal and contractual bases are covered, you set the stage for a fruitful collaboration.

Remember, a VMA is not just a remote worker; they are a pivotal extension of your team. Their expertise, when aligned with your strategic vision, can drive your marketing efforts to new heights, freeing you to focus on the broader goals of your business. The investment in a VMA, both in terms of time and resources, is an investment in the scalability and efficiency of your marketing strategy.

As you move forward in this journey, keep in mind that the relationship with your VMA is one that evolves. Continual communication, feedback, and adaptation are key to ensuring that this partnership remains dynamic and productive. With the right approach and mindset, your Virtual Marketing Assistant can become an invaluable asset in navigating the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing and in achieving your business’s marketing objectives.

Are You Convinced Yet?

Join the ranks of satisfied clients who’ve leveraged Rekruuto’s virtual assistants to achieve unprecedented growth and efficiency. Let’s start this journey together!

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