Step-by-Step Guide to Delegating Your Google Workspace Calendar to Your Virtual Assistant

22 May 2024 by
Step-by-Step Guide to Delegating Your Google Workspace Calendar to Your Virtual Assistant
Mamta Chaturvedi

Don't you hate it when you schedule two appointments at the same time or forget to create an invite to call someone?

Managing a calendar can be time-consuming and sometimes stressful for entrepreneurs and leaders.

Delegating your Google Workspace calendar to a Virtual Assistant (VA) can streamline your schedule management, ensuring you never miss an important appointment or meeting. This guide provides a detailed walkthrough of how to easily and securely delegate your calendar to your VA.

Understanding Calendar Delegation in Google Workspace

Calendar delegation in Google Workspace is a feature that allows you to grant access to your calendar to another person, such as a Virtual Assistant. This access enables your part-time virtual assistant to view and edit your calendar, manage appointments, and send invites on your behalf. It's a perfect solution for busy leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs who need assistance in managing their schedules.

Key Features of Calendar Delegation:

  • View and Edit Access: Your VA can view all the details of your events and make changes as needed, including adding or modifying appointments.
  • Sending Invites: Your VA can send invitations to meetings and respond to invites on your behalf.
  • Full Calendar Visibility: Unlike shared calendars with limited visibility, delegation provides your VA full access to your schedule.

Benefits of Using Calendar Delegation:

  • Time Efficiency: Delegating calendar management saves you significant time, allowing you to focus on more critical tasks.
  • Better Organization: A VA can help organize your calendar more efficiently, ensuring a well-managed schedule.
  • Reduced Scheduling Errors: With a dedicated person to manage your calendar, the chances of double bookings, missed client follow-ups or missed appointments are greatly reduced.

Security and Privacy Considerations:

  • While delegating, you maintain control over your calendar. You can revoke access at any time, ensuring security and privacy.
  • It’s important to delegate your calendar only to trusted remote VA assistant (shameless plug - try working with a trained, fully vetted Rekruuto VA without re-inventing the wheel), as they will have access to potentially sensitive information.

Steps to Delegate Your Google Calendar

Accessing Your Calendar Settings: To begin the process of delegating your Google Calendar, you first need to access your calendar settings. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Step 1: Open Google Calendar: Go to on your web browser. Ensure you are logged in with the account you want to delegate.
  • Step 2: Navigate to ‘My calendars’: On the left side of the page, you’ll see a section titled ‘My calendars’. This section lists all the calendars you’ve created or have access to.
  • Step 3: Access Calendar Settings: Hover over the calendar you wish to delegate, click the three dots for more options, and select ‘Settings and sharing’. This will open the settings page for your selected calendar.

Granting Access to Your VA: Once in the calendar settings, you can grant access to your VA by following these steps:

  • Step 4: Locate the ‘Share with specific people’ Section: In the calendar settings, scroll down to find the section titled ‘Share with specific people’.
  • Step 5: Add Your VA’s Email Address: Click on ‘Add people’ and enter the email address of your Virtual Assistant. Ensure that this is the email address they use for their Google Workspace account.
  • Step 6: Set Permission Level: Choose the level of access you wish to grant. Google Calendar offers several options, ranging from the ability to see only free/busy information to making changes to events. Select the option that best suits the level of responsibility you’re delegating. Typically, for a VA, ‘Make changes to events’ is the most appropriate.
  • Step 7: Confirm and Send Invitation: After setting the permissions, click ‘Send’. Your VA will receive an email invitation to manage your calendar.

Once you have delegated your Google Calendar to your Personal Virtual Assistant (VA), implementing best practices in calendar management is essential for maintaining an efficient and harmonious schedule. Here are some key strategies to ensure successful calendar management:

Setting Clear Guidelines

  • Communication of Preferences: Clearly communicate your scheduling preferences to your VA. This might include preferred times for meetings, gaps you like between appointments, and types of events that should be prioritized.
  • Privacy Settings: Discuss which events are private or sensitive and should be handled with discretion. Ensure your VA understands how to mark events as private when necessary.
  • Handling Conflicts: Establish a protocol for how to manage scheduling conflicts. For instance, which appointments can be rescheduled and which take precedence.

Subsection 3.2: Regular Review and Feedback

  • Weekly Reviews: Set aside time each week to review your upcoming schedule with your VA. This ensures that you are both aligned on your weekly commitments and any potential scheduling challenges.
  • Feedback Loop: Provide regular feedback on your VA's management of your calendar. Acknowledge their successes and discuss areas for improvement to continuously refine the scheduling process.

Subsection 3.3: Utilizing Calendar Features

  • Leverage Calendar Functions: Encourage your VA to use Google Calendar features to their fullest potential, such as color-coding different types of events, setting reminders, and including detailed event descriptions.
  • Shared Calendar for Team Visibility: If applicable, consider setting up a shared team calendar. This can help in coordinating team meetings and ensuring everyone is aware of shared commitments.

Subsection 3.4: Training and Updating

  • Initial Training: Provide comprehensive training on how to use Google Calendar, including creating events, sending invites, and setting reminders.
  • Stay Updated on New Features: Google Workspace frequently updates its features. Keep your VA informed about any new calendar functionalities that can enhance scheduling efficiency.

Subsection 3.5: Adaptability and Continuous Improvement

  • Adapting to Changes: Be open to adjusting the calendar management process as needed. Your schedule and needs might evolve, and your VA should be adaptable to these changes.
  • Encourage Proactivity: A proactive VA can anticipate scheduling needs and make adjustments before conflicts arise. Encourage them to think ahead and be proactive in managing your calendar.

Additional Best Practice: Managing Time Zones

  • Adding Multiple Time Zones: Train your VA to add and view multiple time zones in Google Calendar. This feature is particularly beneficial for setting up meetings across different geographic locations.
  • Scheduling Across Time Zones: Your VA can utilize this feature to accurately schedule and manage appointments, ensuring clarity and avoiding confusion over meeting times.

Implementing these best practices will help in creating a well-organized and smoothly managed calendar, allowing you to focus more on your core activities while trusting your VA and Hiring a Virtual Assistant in 2024 to handle your scheduling effectively.


By delegating your Google Workspace calendar to your VA Services, you can streamline your scheduling process, freeing up valuable time to focus on other critical aspects of your business. Following these steps and best practices ensures that your calendar is managed efficiently, securely, and in alignment with your specific needs.

Need expert assistance in managing your schedule?

Explore our range of professional VAs specialized in email and calendar management at Rekruuto

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